McKibben Farms

Sunshine & Sledgehammer Farmswas started by Ryan and his wife, Amanda in 2015 as way to supplement their growing family's diet with nutritious, fresh, and pesticide-free food. Since then, the farm has grown to include chickens, honeybees, and a larger growing space. Ryan is a combat veteran with two deployments to Iraq and was the very first graduate of the Veterans in Agriculture Program through the University of Florida's IFAS and Veterans Florida where he learned farm management as well as different practices for growing crops here in North Florida. Besides being the brains and the beauty of the operation, Amanda has put in many hours on the farm and is our Chief Operating Officer and child wrangler. Together we have four children and they are excellent farmhands, always willing to help and learn. We strive to use a few chemicals as possible by utilizing integrated pest management, vermiculture, attracting beneficial insects that keep pests away, and good old-fashioned elbow grease.

Products or Services Offered:


Farmer's Hands with Potatoes

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